America Economy DataEconomic CalendarMarket

United States Economy Data : Net Long-term TIC Flows 16 May Data Released

Economy Data : Net Long-term TIC Flows
Actual Previous Consensus Forecast

$100.5B $62.9B $89.3B

The Net Long-Term TIC Flows data for March 2024 was released on May 15, 2024, and showed a net foreign purchase of long-term securities of $100.5 billion. The data for April 2024 is not yet available and is scheduled to be released on June 18, 2024.

However, forecasts for the March data are available from various sources:

  • $89.3 billion (forecast)
  • FXStreet: No specific forecast available, but highlights the importance of thedata for understanding capital flows and its potential impact on the US dollar.

Where to Find the Latest Information:

  • US Treasury International Capital (TIC) System Data: The official source for this data is the US Treasury Department. You can find the latest releases and historical data on their website: [invalid URL removed]
  • [invalid URL removed]
  • FXStreet:

Please note that these are just forecasts, and the actual data may differ.

I hope this helps!

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